Call for Participation: Siemens Healthineers’ Annual External Innovation Think Tank Exhibition (eITT) 2020
Siemens Healthineers Innovation Think Tank is seeking project applications in addressing diseases whose global burden – both social and economic – is particularly high. Innovation Think Tank (ITT), a part of the Chief Technology Office of Siemens Healthineers, is organizing its annual external exhibition (eITT 2020) on 16 July 2020, at Siemens Healthineers’ headquarters in Erlangen, Germany. Best practices at Siemens Healthineers’ various ITT locations and collaborations along with applicants from other institutions, start-ups and industries will be presented.
The event focuses on open innovation, co-creation and disruptive innovations in the area of healthcare. The top five teams will be recognized based on an evaluation by the guest jury including Dr. Christoph Zindel, Member of Managing Board and Dr. Peter Schardt, Chief Technology Officer of Siemens Healthineers and representatives from prestigious universities and Venture Capitals.
Annually, nearly 200 Innovation Think Tank Fellowships are awarded to participants from various universities and research institutions giving them the opportunity to work on interdisciplinary projects at ITT locations worldwide. In the past years, up to 40 project teams took part in the annual exhibition.
Open innovation projects worked on by the ITT participants and external applicants can be nominated for eITT 2020.
• Application deadline for Innovation Think Tank Fellowships for eITT 2020: 1 May 2020
• Application deadline for direct applicants for project presentation at eITT 2020: 15 May 2020
• Finalist announcement: 20 May 2020
• eITT 2020 Event: 16th July 2020
Project Submission Categories
• Disruptive innovation projects
• Open innovation, co-creation platforms and best practices
• Healthcare system of the future
• Hospital of the future
• Precision medicine
• Patient experience
• Lab diagnostics of the future
• Knowledge management
• Operation room of the future
• 3D printing
• Machine learning
• Innovations in consumer electronics
• How to improve quality of human life
• Next generation IT (Apps for medical devices)
• Green hospitals
• Scientific improvement e.g. cardio and neuro imaging
• Medical devices of the future
• Ideas demonstrating cost reduction in medical devices and healthcare systems
• Disruptive innovation processes and methodologies
• System simulators
• People management best practices
• Industry 4.0 applications in healthcare etc.
Send your proposal for eITT 2020 as PDF to (Challenge / Goal of The Project; Current State of Art; How The Challenge is Addressed Today; Proposed Solution; Design or Visualization (if created); Description of Any Prototype Or Model or Simulation (if exist); and Benefits of The Current Solutions with no page limit and no restriction of formatting).
Please also note that this is a public event so clarify any IP issues with your organization.